Tuesday, September 14, 2010

AZ v. CA

Today I got a jury summons from Maricopa County.  When I saw it, I just started laughing.  It's not just funny because the justice system in AZ is cracked and I'm pretty sure I would get voted off the island by the prosecutor in 5 seconds, but also because I received a different jury summons about a week prior.  Santa Barbara county also thinks I still live there. HA! FOOLED YOU BOTH!  Hopefully this doesn't mean I get another one in a few weeks from Alameda. I am crossing my fingers.

You see Arizona and California don't talk to each other.  There may not be an all out war (I mean, who needs a repeat of the mid-19th century?!) but there is a definite coldness that exists between the two.  It might be jealousy on the part of Arizona.  I mean, who isn't jealous of the prettiest girl in the room? California is definitely in the top five prettiest states because miles upon miles of coast line are coupled with a series of mountain ranges.  Marry that to the Pacific currents and you've got a fabulous range of climates Arizona can only fantasize about.

It's not just the climate or the weather (although that would be enough for me, wait, it WAS enough for me!).  It's also the cultural difference.  People flock to Cali.  It is the land of plenty with the previously discussed topography as well as fresh produce a plenty.  Add a few mixed in ethnic foods for flavor and several ports of immigration and you've got a very people friendly diverse state.  Arizona has one major international entry point which is fiercely guarded, its border.  The only reason people move to the desert is to get away from other people.  Phoenix, large city that it is, functions as the US' Boonie capital.  Because even though the city has millions of people, the majority people act like they live in the middle of nowhere.  Golf carts, ATVs, dirt bikes and pretty much any vehicle that can handle the speed of traffic is legal to be on the road.  I'm not kidding.  You don't need to wear helmets, just goggles.  Guns are the rule, not the exception.  The only thing that assures that you are in the 21st century is the fact people can't smoke in bars.

In Arizona its the Wild West.  In California, you feel like you're just short of the Federation of Planets.  It makes sense that the justice systems in these states would not talk to each other.  It raises the question, is it the sunrise or the sunset into which the cowboy rides? I guess it depends where you are on the political spectrum.

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