Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Brothers - Jacket Summary

Because I've been hinting at this for some time, I figured I should actually do it and give you a taste of the book. So here is a little book jacket style summary of The Brothers which will be available as an ebook the beginning of June. More details to follow!

"First know, every legend is true."

Khloe Alwell was always an outsider.  Moving from town to town with her frequently absent mother and academic step-father, she never fit in.  Everything changed the September before her sixteenth birthday, when Khloe found herself in a small New England town starting yet another new school.  There she befriends three strange brothers who introduce her to a world where human myth and legend are watered-down histories of an older more powerful race hidden in plain sight. Drawn to Khloe, the brothers and their childhood friends will help her uncover her parents' complicated past, come to terms with ugly truths that plague all people, as well as discover Khloe's true identity and her importance in the world under the veil.

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