Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hikes are also for "hot" days

Today Christian and I got to meet some new friends and go hiking at Castle Rock. It was a beautiful day.  Before we set out they told us we would be hot.  I thought, well it might be hot for you. Anyone who has lived in Southern Arizona for any length of time knows how to deal with heat.  Yesterday it was over 100 here in the Bay Area, and I didn't even notice.  I figured I could handle a hike in the Santa Cruz mountains without any issue.

Castle Rock is beautiful.  The walks go along a ridge and through the woods.  Many of the other people enjoying the trails had large bags full of ropes. The park is home to large boulder and rock formations.  Every now and then we would see those crazy people with a death wish hanging on random hand and foothalls and dangling on rainbow colored ropes.  Some of them would shout "Tension! Tension! TENSION!" At which point Christian would say, "Can I do that?" and I would respond with "Do you have life insurance?"

Despite suffering the climbers death defying stunts, from the top of the ridge we could see all the way to the ocean.  The views of the rocks, the trees, and the sea in the distance were stunning.  There was even a stream and small set of falls.  I couldn't help but think of our hikes in Phoenix where there were washes empty of any water.  By the end of our scrambling across rocks, walking, and crawling up hills, we were covered in a layer of dust, sweat, and were completely parched. Even still, we had three hours of outdoor exercise and engaging conversation.

It was only warm in the sun.  Once again I thanked God I moved to the Bay Area, where really hot is 100 and friends of friends are people who not only live here, but also are easily potential friends. Awesome. :-)

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