Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Phoenix Rising Cover Contest... what do you think?

Originally I was going to let my husband do the art for the cover of my book.  Now I'm kind of thinking I want to open it up and have a contest for the best book cover.  Needless to say, Christian doesn't have the time or energy to spend on this now, and it would be nice to have the cover on any posts about  Phoenix Rising. The cover art could be submitted to the blog and then people could poll on whichever they liked best.  Maybe it could be a vote once a day thing.

I'm not entirely sure how this would work, but I have a feeling it's a great idea.  It's an opportunity not only for you to get your art out there but also for people who have been keeping up with this blog and my creative process to take a bigger part in the creation of this book.  I really feel that everyone in my life contributes to the writing of this thing, so why not help out with the cover too?

What does everyone think?


  1. So far I have had a professional tell me I should go with a professional... my main problem of course is money (I don't have any to pay anyone). I am to understand that most professionals frown upon donating their work, but this would be the case until something or other could come to fruition (like perhaps the second book?).

    More thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

  2. of course, if you find a publisher, all of this discussion is moot. ditto for the back cover summary
