Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Bohemian Life - Ketchup on Pasta

I feel like this is one of the books in waiting, "This Bohemian Life."  I say this now because I am sitting here with a plate of du jour stroganoff (aka a stroganoff like sauce based on the ingredients in my kitchen and my whimsy) thinking it would taste better with ketchup.

There are several back stories to this.  One - ketchup is served with pizza in Central Europe because their pizza doesn't have any sauce to speak of. Two - this dish makes me think of Philly cheese steaks. Three - my grandmother once served pasta with ketchup to my parents early in their marriage.  This last was done when they were living in Philly, one of the bastions of Italian cuisine in America.

So this brings us back to ketchup on random pasta dishes.  Why would someone make the most bizarre sauce combinations?  Because when creativity meets poverty, you get the bohemian lifestyle.  Put some thrift store finds together in a new and strange combination, and VIOLA! You have suddenly become what all the hipsters are attempting to be, but you did it for peanuts as opposed to paying an arm and a leg in order to get designer pieces based on retro styles in cheaply made fabrics that thousands and millions may be wearing. Add a second hand sewing machine and the world is your oyster.  Thank you Good Will! You make my bohemian life possible.  You make American poverty seem cool.  If I had a beer, I would lift it in your honor.  Instead, I'll just lift my mug of hot chocolate. How sweet. :-)

1 comment:

  1. yep! bohemian life-- the way i was raised! and even now, with some money, is live the same way. lol, all my clothes, shoes, art, are either good will, old navy or harley. or home made!
    and my dang sewing machine that i got at 13, 14?? needs a serious tune up! lol!
