Monday, January 3, 2011

Science of Healing - Secrets We Already Know

I am a visual person.  I respond to things that are beautiful, bright colors, and or have interesting shapes.  Likewise, I feel things strongly.  So it follows that visual cues strongly affect me.  It makes sense then that visual spaces could stress me out or make me feel at peace with the world.

As I've been dealing with stress and trying to figure out who I am and what I want, I've noticed that I prefer living in places that are rich in natural beauty.  This natural beauty can come in lots of combinations - forests, mountains, oceans, lakes.  It could be a New England fall or Coastal Spring. I need to be around these types of places because of how it makes me feel.  It made even more sense after I watched "The Science of Healing with Dr. Esther Sternberg." 

It seems that beautiful places, pleasing smells, relaxing, listening to good music, and regular exercise are all ideal things for maintaining good health.  Who knew? How long have people been hiding this miracle of preventative health?! Why did they keep this from us!?

Of course, these are things that either we have learned because various experts have come around and told us so, or they are things we knew intuitively, or from our own experience.  Still, sometimes it's good to have someone put things together in a persuasive way, complete with supportive evidence for these things we know intuitively, but find difficult to articulate or explain.  I had made connections with exercise and beauty, and even to a certain extent music (seeing as I have been singing since I was 13).  The idea that these things could really lead to a holistic health was just the next logical step. 

The moral of the story, make time everyday to do something physical.  Play some good music while you're doing everyday tasks (cooking, cleaning, whatever).  Buy some essential oils to facilitate relaxation.  Spend some time looking at something beautiful.  I think I'll go now to take my own advice...

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