Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Outed! Frickin Dorktastic.

I didn't expect to ever like a comic (when I say comic I mean graphic novel).  Seriously.  I say this and my husband is an avid online comic reader.  He reads Dr. McNinja, A Softer World, xkcd, Diesel Sweeties, Sinfest, Questionable Content, PVP, Sam and Fuzzy, and Penny Arcade religiously. I periodically get updates about characters and situations for which I have little or no background knowledge.  That isn't to say I don't appreciate the one pager every now and again, I just don't seek the things out.

*ominous music plays*

So yesterday we go to Davis to hang out with a few friends (the guy Greg is a friend of Christian's from forever).  We try different brewed beverages and play fruity board games (read: Apples 2 Apples).  Lea, gives me a graphic novel to read to get into this series of comics.  Now, I can't say I was actually happy about it at the time.  I was slightly confused and genuinely skeptical.  After all, I'm the type of person who sometimes reads news articles, and mostly reads fantastical re-imaginings of Jane Austen story lines. What could a graphic novel hold for me?

And here Lea, is where I hate you.  I hate you so good because FABLES is freaking FANTASTIC! I may have become addicted.  It was only 1001 Nights of Snowfall, so I have to somehow get a hold of the volumes in the main story line, but still.  Brilliant. 

I have this horrible set of vices involving fantasy, epics, magic, and the paranormal.  It is everything that "classic dorks" are labeled to have.  I can't help it.  Anything that comes into movie form and has an epic story line (in the traditional nearly Homeric fashion) I have to see it in the theater.  Everything that has werewolves, vampires, or some other type of immortal I have to at least review (because let's face it, they tend to have the shittiest of the story lines as well as production and if you make one too many poor movie selections, you won't find anyone to see them with you).

In book form I am a little more discerning because there are more options from which to choose, but still I am guilty there as well. I own all the Harry Potter books (they're better than the movies, though the movies aren't bad). I read through most of the Pern Series.  I tried to read Tolkien but I got tired of all the male centric writing so I had to scratch the effort on Two Towers.  C.S. Lewis, Lloyd Alexander, and Madeleine L'Engle are special people close to my heart. Xanth occupied much of my young adult mind.  Friends even bought me back story books like certain world's encyclopedias or short story volumes explaining the decade breaks between books within a series.

But I never wore a Ren costume.  I never went to any kind of festival where out dorks would cavort with one another (thus far - though I have long wanted to attend a comic-con for the sociological experience it would offer me). For the most part, I was a closet case, and even then, I passed for just about everything else, betrayed only by the occasional Halloween costume choice or veiled reference to a series.  But Lea caught on instantly.  Maybe I gave her a secret handshake without knowing it.  Maybe I wasn't as closeted as I thought.

But damn it girl, you outed me, if only through inspiring me to confess my dorktasticness to everyone else.  Well done.  Hit acknowledged. *grin*

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