Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Genre? - A Writer's Goals for 2012

I've been hemming and hawing about this post. Last year I made some grandiose goals that were impossible to reach, and I knew they were, but I made them anyway. Because of what I learned in 2011, I feel better equipped to tackle 2012. Of course, a lot of things have changed since last January.

Since January 2011,
  1. We moved from Hayward to Bakersfield.
  2. Christian and I were apart for 2 months during the summer.
  3. We sold our house in Phoenix.
  4. I published The Brothers in digital and paperback formats.
  5. I finished writing Lovers and Rivals as well as an unrelated book, James: The Rollins Pack.
  6. I also began Lilith and Ammon, book 3 in the Khloe Alwell Series, as well as novelized the majority of the first script of The Apex Saga, Legion.
 All in all, I feel pretty successful in what I was able to do considering some of the life changes that happened this past year. I feel this way despite not having reached my stated goals.  So I guess the question is, what's on the docket for 2012? Well, quite a lot is happening actually.
  1. I will publish both James and Lovers and Rivals in the next couple months (both as ebooks and paperbacks).
  2. I will co-write at least two scripts for The Apex Saga.
  3. I will likely finish Lilith and Ammon, hopefully publish it, and get started on book 4 of Khloe.
  4. I expect to work on, if not publish, book 2 and 3 of The Apex Saga.
  5. I'm hoping (if I can find the time, and depending on how James is received) to write a sequel to James' story from the perspective of Jeremiah, his older brother.
  6. I will play badminton more or less every Sunday afternoon.
  7. I'm going to get totally awesome at Zumba 2 for Wii.
This might be a little ambitious, but I think I can do it.  The reason I'm being so intense about my writing is because I have read, time and again, having more books out is better. The reason for this is because you appear more serious as well as having more ways for potential readers to get hooked on your stories. It's a good thing I'm so prolific.

In any case, I hope you'll all follow along on my super intense writing journey during 2012.

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