Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Writing New Year's Resolutions

I know this next year is going to be big (maybe not big in the way 2013 was, but definitely big!). As such, I thought I would share a few of my writing resolutions with y'all:
  1. I will finish 7 books this year.
  2. I will explore video and audio in relation to my writing this year.
  3. I will build my author platform using 2-3 social media outlets (and I'll forget the rest without worrying or feeling like I'm stinting myself!).
  4. I  will do 5 things daily in order to bring me closer to my objectives.
  5. I will feel accomplished for achieving everything I do, regardless of how close or far it is from my goals.
That's it.

I could go on and on about more specific goals etc, but I won't. This is just from the professional angle. I have other intentions as well, on a more personal note (which I'll save for Raising an Alien).

So, cheers and have a Happy New Year!

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