Monday, May 18, 2015

THRIVE Book Launch Week 8: Indie Sadomasochism

Right now I am sitting alone, and I'm not quite sure what to do. I had to fall back on my launch plan and Monday routine to get on track.

I am actually in my room alone, without a toddler, or any immediate obligations and it is jarring in the same way a whirlwind is. I feel out of sorts. I feel off kilter. I feel...lost.

This past week was nothing short of insane. Instead of my declared plan for last week, I went in a radically different direction and got THRIVE and TRANSFORM TO THRIVE formatted and set up for print on demand. Anyone who knows anything about publishing will recognize this is a Herculean task for a creative. It is tedious. It is time-consuming. It requires intense attention to detail. It is entirely too repetitive to be considered anything less than electronic torture.

And I did this twice.

While herding a toddler.

While my parents were out of town.

Around digital pre-order day - the day when I was sending out approximately 180 emails to media and organizations that might be interested in the books.

Needless to say, the process resulted in an insane amount of temper tantrums, both mine and my toddler's. I induced several headaches. I worked to complete exhaustion. By Saturday, I was barely functional. There was a lot of Sesame Street involved, which was a shameless saving grace.

And today I get to order the proofs. Once I get those, I can approve them for print and anyone can purchase a hard copy (including bookstores and libraries).

This was the last big hurdle in my THRIVE publication process. It was the last big hill in my publishing marathon and now I can actually see the finish. While I am still a little nervous about THRIVE's reception (because it discusses many controversial topics) I know I am doing a good thing. I know this is important work. It is why I am focused on this and this alone until it is finished.

It is inspired. The whole conversation is inspired. And I am excited to help people. I am excited to make the world a better place by having this story in it. This puts all the pain and anguish of every aspect of publication into perspective. The torture was temporary. It has passed. And now I am in a time of waiting. Waiting to see - to experience - to watch. And I know, no matter what happens, at least I find fulfillment here.

My soul is at peace.



As I said, last week took a weird and slightly unexpected turn. With that in mind, this is what I accomplished:
  • Blog posts (plus an extra one)
  • Located list of local media outlets
  • 180~ emails sent to colleges, organizations, and media outlets about THRIVE
  • POD book covers
  • POD formatting
  • Reviewed POD files
  • Set up  POD order pages
  • Set up speaking page on site
  • Joined a few more author forums
  • Read a few publishing articles
  • Sent out social media posts on pre-order day
This week:
  • Reach out to my mentor/connector
  • Follow up on mail error messages from email blast
  • Order proofs for THRIVE and TRANSFORM TO THRIVE
  • Finish LILITH
  • Finish KHLOE book covers
  • Upload corrected/revamped KHLOE books
  • Send out social media reminders to pre-order THRIVE & TRANSFORM TO THRIVE
  • Inquiry bloggers who may be interested in guest posts etc for THRIVE.
  • Pitch to sites that have followings interested in THRIVE topics. 
  • Blog posts 
  • Breathe
I think that's more than enough. Don't you? Especially since a family friend is visiting this coming weekend.  I'm planning on really focusing on the last point. That one is going to be the most important one to remember.


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