Monday, February 21, 2011

"You Can't Rush Greatness" - Gearing up for Goal Realization

Finally, after being in a several month slump, I finished my goal board.  I'm going to blame this on the combination of the proverbial drum roll that proceeds news of our next year's plans as well as my job finally starting.  I spent 30 minutes making topic specific collages that visually represented a number of my different goals, and then another two hours scoping pictures from my magazine.  For some reason, this particular goal board is the most organized and thought through I've ever had. Maybe it was all the time I spent thinking about it rather than actually making it.  Then again, taking my sweet time is something I've done since in utero. But you can't rush greatness, especially when it is held back by procrastination with a dash of laziness.

Of course, you can't stop greatness once it's started - I think, or at least, I hope.  That's why goal boards are so important - they get things started.  Being a visual and verbal person, the combination of action oriented statements and pretty pictures representing my aspirations in view several times a day is guaranteed to bring my goals closer to realization.  I've seen it happen before - it's one of the reasons I ended up marrying Christian (a slightly longer story that can be saved for another time).  My goals will come to fruition. It will happen again.  I will it to be so.  They will be mine! They WILL be mine! Someday...anyway... a day when I am feeling particularly proactive.  Tomorrow, for example, is the next step in ramping up my fitness goals by increasing weight, sets and reps. Likely I will also engage in a major spring cleaning. For now however, I'll eat my powder-sugar-coated donut and watch another episode of 30 Rock. You can't rush greatness. 

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