Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When Your Mind Runs Wild and Your Body Collapses

Status report:
  1. I've taken a full time job. Okay, that's good right? Sure - I was poor (frankly still not rolling in it, but the finances are doing better).
  2. I sold my house. Well, I'm in the process of it, but everything seems to be going along smoothly. So that's good, again, helping with the finances.
  3. P90x has fallen by the wayside because I don't have enough time in the morning before work and after work to do basic things in the house, write, and workout. This is a problem. I already feel a difference in how I am, except if I try to workout before work, I feel more exhausted... sooo trying to figure out a way to mitigate this. Suggestions are welcome.
  4.  Working on my sci-fi project, Legion, which is both fun and frustrating. Fun because it is something new and different, frustrating because I'm trying to figure out how I want to turn scenes into chapters that make sense and aren't wildly different lengths. This may end up being more of a second run through kind of thing.
  5. Lovers and Rivals is in reading phase, though after having a review of The Brothers, and lots of free time at work, I've thought of a few changes I want to make in the Book 2 manuscript.
  6. I have officially come up with a prequel plan for the Khloe Alwell trilogy. It is awesome, dark, and more sophisticated than I originally thought it would be. I'm excited about it in a way that might make me write it before I write the conclusion book to Khloe.
 So, that's kind of where I'm coming from at the moment. The result is I am physically exhausted while my mind is going a million miles a minute. That said, I'm hopeful. There are promising things in the wings and with that, comes optimism that had been sorely lacking.

Also, it helps that cool people are giving me love on Twitter. I love my Tweeps. It helps keep me going. By their power combined, I am sure I will succeed through this exhausting time. *sleepily sits up with wide smile*

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